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DevOps: How Integration Can Make Your Business More Effective

The DevOps movement has expanded in recent years, with more and more organizations focusing on collaboration between development and operations. However, many companies struggle with DevOps because it requires a significant cultural shift within the organization. Getting two siloed teams to break down barriers and pull together towards the same goals can be much more difficult than it sounds. However, DevOps can make a business more effective and it is worth it to push through the growing pains to realize the end results.

DevOps = Faster Deployment

One of the biggest benefits of DevOps is that it allows businesses to deploy new processes, systems and applications much more quickly.  When operations and development work together, projects take less time and there are fewer errors and less rework.

DevOps = More Time to Innovate

In today’s competitive environment, companies that fail to innovate will ultimately fail to succeed. With DevOps in place, a business becomes more efficient, freeing tech teams to focus on exploring new ideas and developing new products.

DevOps = Technical Scalability

Scalability is typically a top priority of any new technical product, project or initiative. If a tech project cannot evolve and grow, it will ultimately die. DevOps creates the flexibility to continually improve a product, process or system or even scale down resources when necessary.

DevOps = Process Automation

The development process can be rife with repetitive, time-consuming tasks that drain energy and passion out of a team.  DevOps automates workflows and processes, ensuring everything is monitored to eliminate redundancies. Reducing manual tasks allows teams to focus on the more critical – and often more engaging – aspects of a project.

DevOps = Improved Customer Experiences

When a business is clicking along and delivering solutions more efficiently, it is able to provide better customer experiences. Studies have shown that 70% of businesses that implemented DevOps reported increased customer satisfaction numbers.

DevOps = Improved Employee Morale

Happy employees are productive employees and DevOps can improve employee morale significantly by facilitating better communication and cooperation. The more employees work together, the more effective they are. Instead of problems being an “ops issue” or a “dev issue” they become an “everyone issue” and people work together to solve the problem rather than finger point or blame shift. When you remove the adversarial nature of siloed departments it fosters better relationships and creates happier employees.

Are You Hiring DevOps Talent?

If you are looking for skilled tech talent to help you implement DevOps methodologies, the IT recruiting experts at CSS can help.  Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve your hiring goals.
